

More Wealth

More Wealth from Residential Property

by Jan Somers. First published 2001



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This book covers everything you need to know about using residential property as a vehicle for building wealth and it does so in a simple, easy-to-follow manner without the financial jargon. In fact, the book has been described as an authoritative, well-researched 256 pages of easy-to-read common sense.

The recipe outlined is not new; it's not complicated and it's not a "get-rich-quick-scheme". But what it does offer is a reliable path to riches in just 10 to 15 years by investing directly in residential property.

If you would rather leave your financial destiny in the hands of someone else and are prepared to settle for a lot less than you'd really like, then this book is not for you! On the other hand, if you want to take control and ensure your retirement will be financially secure, this book is essential reading.

Story by Story

Building Wealth Story by Story

by Jan Somers. First published 1998



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This book contains 101 stories of fellow property investors, providing a great opportunity to learn from others experiences. Some of the stories will warm your heart. They are about ordinary people doing unordinary things to achieve their goal of becoming financially independent and serve to inspire you along a similar path. Other stories, about peoples mistakes, may make you squirm, but serve to help you avoid the pitfalls along the way.

Our education system does not teach people how to manage their financial affairs. The emphasis is on learning skills to earn money, not on money-management skills which lead to long-term financial security. So who do we turn to for information about investment property? In general the financial advisory industry gives scant attention to direct investment in property, probably because their advice is often structured around managed products. Bank managers, accountants and solicitors can all help but they are not hands-on experts. But, as you will see in this book, some of the very best information and tips you can get about investing in property come word of mouth from other property investors.